"West Side Story" is a timeless musical that tells the story of two young lovers, Tony and Maria, who are caught in the crossfire of a violent gang rivalry in New York City. Set against the turf of the Jets and the Sharks, the musical explores themes of love, prejudice, and the destructive power of hatred. With a groundbreaking score by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, it features iconic songs like "Tonight," "America," and "Somewhere." The choreography, originally by Jerome Robbins, is integral to the storytelling, blending dance with the raw emotion of the characters' struggles. "West Side Story" is a powerful and poignant production that continues to resonate with audiences as a reflection on love and social conflict.
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Earlier Event: July 29
Surflight Theater, Beach Haven, NJ, United States
Later Event: November 11
De Graaf & Cornelissen, Almere, Netherlands