
Resources for further West Side Story reading and study.
Please note this list is not exhaustive.

Acevedo-Muñoz, Ernesto R. West Side Story as Cinema: The Making and Impact of an American Masterpiece. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2013.

Barrios, Richard. West Side Story: The Jets, the Sharks, and the Making of a Classic. New York, NY: Running Press, 2020.

Berson, Misha. Something’s Coming, Something Good: West Side Story and the American Imagination. Milwaukee, WI: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2011.

Dash, Irene G. Shakespeare and the American Musical. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2010.

Garebian, Keith. The Making of West Side Story. Toronto, Canada: ECW Press, 1995.

Guernsey Jr., Otis L., ed. Autumn 1985. “Landmark Symposium: West Side Story.” the Dramatists Guild Quarterly 22, no. 3.

Hurwitz, David. Bernstein’s Orchestral Music: An Owner’s Manual. Milwaukee, WI: Amadeus Press, 2011.

Jaensch, Andreas. Leonard Bernsteins musiktheater: auf dem weg zu einer Amerikanischen oper [Leonard Bernstein’s musical theater: on the way to an American opera]. Kassel, Germany: Bärenreiter, 2003.

Jowitt, Deborah. Jerome Robbins: His Life, his Theater, His Dance. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2004.

Laird, Paul R. Leonard Bernstein: A Guide to Research. New York, NY: Routledge, 2002.

Laird, Paul R. and Elizabeth A. Wells, editors. The Cambridge Companion to West Side Story. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2025.

Lawrence, Greg. Dance with Demons: The Life of Jerome Robbins. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2001.

Mauceri, John. Celebrating West Side Story: North Carolina School of the Arts, A 50th Anniversary Production. Winston-Salem, NC: North Carolina School of the Arts Press, 2007.

Shawn, Allen. Leonard Bernstein: An American Musician. Yale University Press, September 2014.

Simeone, Nigel. Leonard Bernstein: West Side Story (Landmarks in Music Since 1950). Ashgate Publishers, U.K. 2009.

Sondheim, Stephen. Finishing the Hat: Collected Lyrics (1954 – 1981) with Attendant Comments, Principles, Heresies, Grudges, Whines[,] and Anecdotes. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.

Vaill, Amanda. Somewhere: The Life of Jerome Robbins. New York, NY: Broadway Books, 2006.

Wells, Elizabeth. West Side Story: Cultural Perspectives on an American Musical. Scarecrow Press, November 2010.

Williams, Mary E., ed. Readings on West Side Story. Literary Companion Series to American Literature, edited by Bonnie Szumski. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 2001.